Friday, September 30, 2011

A Better Man

So BIG news! My eleven year old has a (shh don't tell him I told you) girlfriend. We will call her Sally. Now, Wil and Sally have gone to school together since 3rd grade. So imagine my surprise when he informed me that he and Sally had decided to "go out". I wondered aloud how this happened and he told me "Oh Jada hooked us up". (Jada is a good friend who rides home with us most days of the week and they have LOTS of time to talk about things such as "going out") Then I asked him what did "going out" in the sixth grade look like. His response? "Oh we just kinda hang out in the courtyard at lunch". I asked him what they did before they started going out. "Mom! We still just hung out in the courtyard together!" I am so glad that is cleared up for me. I wonder what is going to happen to the courtyard hang out when they break up.

Jada told me that she and Wil had a long conversation about Sally in the library yesterday. This was the conversation (and I SOOO wish I could have been there)

Wil: You know Jada, Sally has made me a better man.
Jada: How so Wil?
Wil: Well before Sally I just stood under the water in the shower and now I actually use the soap.

I always wondered why I never needed to buy shampoo.

So dear Sally... thanks for opening up my child eyes to wonder of hygiene. I hope he wears deodorant in the courtyard on the hot days.

And just for all of you who can't make it to the BCOB/LCCC production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat here is a preview of the "Hairy Ishmaelites"   AKA Wil, Pheobe, Lydia and Christy. They could use a little soap themselves.

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