Gabe and I spent the day at home just snuggling and watching Glee (cause you know that boy has some groove) and not doing laundry. Now about Glee... I was raised a true Southern Baptist Girl. I never spent my teenaged years doing what those kids on Glee were doing Tuesday night. I got drunk exactly once in high school. I just figured one time of throwing up (and more) in front of my father was quite enough for me. And let me just tell you, in case you have not ever experienced this for yourself, Grape Mad Dog 20/20 tastes bad enough going down...there are no words for it coming back up. I felt for dear Rachel on Glee...gray vomit in your hair would be enough for most girls to give up on the whole drinking issue. I speak from experience- even if it was just once. AND HOW ABOUT Ke$ha's (or my new favorite line from Glee Ke-dollar sign-ha) "Tic and also the Toc"? So wonderful. I almost felt like brushing my teeth with a bottle of's just the gray vomit you know. Let's just say
It was a beautiful day and I opened the windows to air out the house (smells like dirty laundry imagine that). Now I should state that at one time all of my windows had screens on them. BUT with a houseful of boys doing things like building a miniature version of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in my back yard things like that seem to disappear very easily. I should have thought better of it but I opened it anyway. Take my word for it hind sight is 20/20! I saw it on the kitchen floor. I saw it there and didn't investigate. I am glad I didn't. Charles was the first to almost step on it. He was very calm. "Look there's a snake... in the kitchen" That was enough. I screamed...Gabe screamed...Charles looked at us with disdain. I am sorry. A snake. In my kitchen. Still moving. It was obviously a thoughtful gift brought to us by Maggie the cat. I am not an outdoorsie kind of person. As Noah has so beautifully informed me, I am not a redneck girl. I don't do snakes. Especially not in my kitchen.
If anybody out there is has some extra screens just hanging around...I would be very happy to take them off of your hands. I'll even trade you a snake chasing cat for it.