Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The End Of A Fairy Tale

So...Gabe has a special friend. Her name is Harper Katherine (Harper Kate Kate to those of us who love her). At about 8 months old their cribs were right next to each other and they loved to kiss through the bars. They find each other no matter what they are doing!

They like to get messy together.
They like to eat sand together.
They like to ride together.
They like to role play. Here they are doing a darn good impression of Bonnie and Clyde in time out on the wall. They had a child in between them pushing her back and forth back and forth! (I am channeling the "I'll Love You Forever book here...unfortunately they were not saying I'll like you for always or anything to that matter)

If you ask Gabe who his girlfriend is he replies quite happily "Harper Kate Kate".

That is until yesterday.

Yesterday they were playing with cars and Harper Kate Kate had one he wanted so he ever so gently reached over with his mouth and bit the first thing he could come into contact with...which happened to be her "private" (boobie).

She looked at Ms. Becki and said, "He is NOT my boyfriend anymore!"

I had high hopes.

I guess the romance was too good to let go. Christmas Parades can heal all wounds!

Monday, November 28, 2011

I Am Thankful! (For Four Day Weekends)

After last year's holiday confusion I decided to get a jump on holiday preparations this year...meaning I spent this four day weekend actually cleaning my house. I say this because I really feel like the delay last year was because the house was such a wreck I just could not bring myself to decorate it.

Or maybe I am just lazy.

Anyway, after a very disappointing Black Friday (on Thursday) experience (the short of it- Walmart, line, 7:30 PM, 10th in line for a PS3- they only had 9. The 20 year old guys in front of me buying it for themselves. Jerks. So irritated I can't write in complete sentences. The ONLY upside? GREAT COMPANY with my bestie Jiffiner) I couldn't bring myself to get into the Christmas Spirit. I moped around the house and unfortunately in moping I did a lot of looking down. AND when I looked down I unfortunately noticed how disgusting the house was.

AND you know me I can't do anything in a small way.

Instead of just cleaning I decided I needed to:
  • Clean out my junk room so Wil could have his own room.
  • Clean out a dresser so I could give it away.
  • Move Wil's bunkbed into the newly cleaned out junk room.
  • Wash all of my laundry (which consisted of, no lie, 53 loads)
  • Go through all of our clothes and get rid of everything that doesn't fit.
  • Move Gabe's bed into Noah's room (because Noah doesn't like to sleep by himself but he drives whoever is trying to sleep in the same room with him slap crazy)
  • Train Gabe to sleep in his own bed so Noah doesn't have to sleep alone.
  • Scrub the Koolaide stains off of my counter.
  • Wrangle all of Gabe's toys into one corner of our house.
  • Work on potty training.
  • Try to rid the bathroom of the remains of said potty training.
  • Grocery shop.
Pat on my back- I did all of those things. Wil got to sleep in his new room on Saturday night. Gabe spent all of Saturday night in his BIG BOY BED! Noah was so happy to have a new roommate. My closets are very nice looking and organized. I was a proud housewife and Momma!

For exactly one night.

Wil spilled red Koolaide all over the counter Sunday morning. Gabe peed right on the floor of the bathroom Sunday afternoon. Noah acted like a fool at church Sunday night. Wil decided the bunk bed was too hot for sleep and spent last night in Gabe's old room. Gabe decided he really liked mommy's bed better than his BIG BOY BED. Noah stayed up half the night because he had no one to sleep with him.

AND now I have exactly SIX loads of laundry waiting for me when I get home.

My children may end up sleeping in tents in the back yard.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Have You Tried The Chicken-In-A-Biscut Cracker Because I Am Thinking That May Be Easier

I have noticed lately that we have been going through an inordinate amount of chicken flavored Ramen Noodles. I didn't think too much about it because I figured that I since I now have a teenager and a tween (or as Wil likes to think...two teenagers who should be able to stay by themselves and walk downtown by themselves and hang out on his friend's boat with no parents by themselves) because when I was that age I was all about the Ramen noodles. (I actually thought I was pretty classy eating something from a different country- I lived a very sheltered chicken, rice and peas existence. I also thought bagels were high class since you could buy them on the street in New York.)

Anyway.... I noticed Noah opening a pack the other day and I watched with interest as he put the whole brick-o-noodles onto a plate. He opened the chicken flavor and sprinkled it onto the top, then picked up the whole thing and took a big old bite. Like he was biting into a piece of pizza. No bowl. No water. Not even a set of chopsticks. He looked at me and said...

"This a good cracker".

I don't even know what to say about that.

It reminds me of the other day when Gabey Baby was tapping very hard on my non-touchscreen Blackberry (that thankfully has not fallen off the top of any cars or taken any dives in the washing machine) and he looked at me with the most forlorn look and said

"My Ipod not working".

Why does my almost three year old know what an Ipod is but my 14 year old doesn't know Ramen Noodles are soup?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Watch the Alpacas- They Spit

I went WAY out of my comfort zone yesterday and DROVE the bus for our field trip to Bee City...which my 4 year old friend Sam Brown pointed out really it wasn't much of a city since it had no towers (Tall buildings)-more like a farm. Driving a bus is not my idea of a fun field trip. Sitting on the back of the bus singing Sippin' Cider is way more up my alley! When I pulled back into town I realized my jaw was hurting because I had been clinching my teeth so hard. I had to take 4 motrin! I hope those kids appreciate those @#!* bees!

Just kidding.


Anyway, Bee City was so fun. We got to see a working hive (behind glass so no accidental stings). We could not find the queen...because really what 3 and 4 year old is going to look for more than 2.8 seconds for a queen bee? Maybe if it was a princess bee with a pink ball gown we could have feigned a little interest. Alas- no queen. We did however learn that all the girl bees are worker bees and the boy bees' only purpose in life is to go on dates with the queen and that they are the drones. I took this information home with me and have begun to refer to Charles as a drone. I am not sure how well our hive will produce honey since, as you well know, THERE ARE NO WORKERS BEES in this here hive!

We made many new friends at Bee City, which could technically be called Bee (Along With Some Marsupials, Farm Animals and Even a Couple of Gators and Prairie Dogs) City.  I was very tempted to bring home a Billie Goat (they were only $40.00 versus the $60.00 price tag of the Nanny Goat). The roosters were a steal @ $4.00 a piece but I am not sure how they would have made the bus ride. (Did I mention the bus ride?) My favorite by far was a very special animal. His (or her since I didn't check) beauty is beyond words. The sweet way it ate the feed from my hand and nudged me when it wanted more. I don't know why more of the children wouldn't feed him (or her).

Look at that smile. And the crooked head. Oh LOVE!

I will take him home and name him (or her) Fred.